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Nicholas Wilson & Friends
Forty Year Anniversary Art & Photo Exhibit
December 10 - 27, 2011
Odd Fellows Hall, Mendocino, California
Rock band publicity photo for Cat Mother, December 1971, the first photo sold by Nicholas Wilson.
It was 40 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play, and in late December of 1971 Nicholas Wilson sold a photo from his first roll of black and white film. It was the above publicity photo for the renowned rock band Cat Mother (formerly Cat Mother and the All-Night Newsboys). That photo launched his career as an independent photographer, which included fine-art photo shows at Bill Zacha's original Bay Window Gallery, and later at the Highlight Gallery and the Mendocino Art Center Gallery. Wilson recently began showing at the Mendocino Coast Photographer Guild Gallery in Fort Bragg, where he will be the featured artist in March 2012.Mendocino's historic Odd Fellows Hall gallery reopens on Second Saturday, Dec. 10, with a group art show featuring Nicholas Wilson and Friends celebrating his 40 years as a documentary and fine art photographer. The Full Moon Second Saturday opening party starts at 5 pm and continues until it's over, with live music and slide shows. The show runs from Dec. 10 through Dec. 26 from 11 AM to 5 PM most days. Evening hours and more slide shows are planned for Saturday Dec. 17.
Joining Wilson in the show are several well-known artist friends: painters Robert Ross and Eduardo Smissen, graphic artist John Chamberlin, zany sculptor and multimedia artist Larry Fuente, ceramicist Christopher Cisper and multimedia artist Molly Boynoff. Ross and Smissen will show amazing paintings and prints; Chamberlin will show his unique poster and sign art; Fuente will have something new and surprising as well as vintage pieces; Cisper will have skillfully made pottery, ceramic sculptures and drums; and Ms. Boynoff will show some of her work in textiles, paper and other media.
Wilson is the author of the photo book "Mendocino In The Seventies." His photos have been published nationally and internationally in magazines, newspapers, books, films and video. He was the documentary photographer aboard two anti-whaling voyages, first with the Mendocino Whale War in 1976, and then with Greenpeace Hawaii in 1977.
Wilson will show selected prints from his documentary photo archive as well as some new work. Besides the physical art work, there will also be a HDTV screen with a serial display of images, including more of Wilson's images and also "slides" representing the work of other artists in the group. While this will not be a comprehensive retrospective exhibit for Wilson, he does plan to show examples of the many kinds of photography and subject matter he has done over the years.
For more information and schedule updates please email mail@nwilsonphoto.com or check back here for updates. Odd Fellows Hall is located at the corner of Kasten and Ukiah Sts. in Mendocino, California.
Here are web links for some of the other participating artists:
Robert Ross: www.robertrossstudio.com
Eduardo Smissen: www.eduardosmissen.com
Larry Fuente: www.google.com
Christopher Cisper: www.christophercisper.com
A new view of Mendocino across the bay with the Mendocino Music Festival's big 850-seat concert hall tent in place for the 25th season. Click on the photo to see a web photo gallery of more than 300 photos from the festival. The tent can hold more than the entire population of the town according to the 2010 census figures. The annual festival attracts musicians and patrons from far and wide. The photo was taken July 17, 2011 from Brewery Gulch Drive (old Coast Highway) south of town.
(Archived 12/7/2011)
The Mendocino Film Festival just concluded its sixth season June 3-5, 2011. This photo shows an earlier year when the box office was located in the oldest building in Mendocino: the Kasten-Heeser House, built in 1852 with the first lumber milled in Mendocino. It was remodeled into a unit of the Mendocino Hotel Garden Suites.Index to Nicholas Wilson's photos of the Mendocino Film Festival
(archived 7/30/2011)
Click on the photo for a bigger version.(opens in a new window)On July 25, 2009, the Mendocino Music Festival Orchestra and Chorus under the direction of Allan Pollack performed the Mozart Requiem as the finale to the festival's 23rd season. The festival's 16,000 sq. ft. symphony hall tent held approximately 950 audience members in addition to the 200 musicians on stage, including 163 chorus members. The town's population is only about 1000.
The Mendocino Music Festival's 24th season is happening July 10 through July 24, 2010
For details visit www.mendocinomusic.com
For 2010 photos see the new web gallery
(archived 6/7/2011)
Preservation Hall Jazz Band Creative Director Ben Jaffe in performance at the 2009 Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival.
Click here for nearly 300 more photos from the festival
(archived 7/13/2010)
The original Mendocino Whale Festival in 1976 was organized by this committee of Mendocino Whale War members.
For more photos and information see Mendocino Whale War 1976
(archived 6/26/2010)
(posted 6/6/2009, archived 7/31/2009)
A beautiful June bride and her bridesmaids before the ceremony. Wedding photography by Nicholas Wilson
(posted 12/8/2008, archived 6/10/2009)
Caspar Community Center group gathered 12/7/2008 for the dedication of the new postal pavilion in memory of Jerry Juhl.
Prints may be ordered through the Community Center.
(archived 12/8/2008)
CasparFest 2007 featured Kevin & the Coconuts steel band, hot air balloon rides, workshops, and lots more.
Click the photo or here for a web gallery of 50 photos.CasparFest 2008 took place Sept. 27 and 28. Click here for more information. (opens in a new window)
(archived 9/19/2008)
Great Day In Elk 2007 Watermelon Eating Contest, Junior Division.
Ready, set, EAT! No hands! (click the photo or here for over 140 more 2007 Great Day photos)
(archived (8/20/2008)
Miniature horses and wagon pass Mendocino's Kelley House Museum in the July 4, 2008 parade.Mendocino's Fourth of July 2008 Parade and Celebrations at Kelley House and Friendship Park
Available in a special DotPhoto.com album where you can see the photos and order prints and full screen slide show DVDs. These links open in a new browser window.
View the July 4 photos as a Flash Slide Show. After the slide show starts - if you have a high speed connection - you can click on the full screen button for big, screen-filling images. Don't go full screen if you have a dial-up connection. You can order prints and DVDs from the slide show or the album view.
(archived 7/10/2008)
Veteran folksinger, storyteller, Wobbly and radio personality Utah Phillips passed away at his home in Nevada City, CA, on May 23, 2008. In this 2006 photo Utah poses backstage at the Kate Wolf Memorial Music Festival with his traveling companion Valentine, given to him by his kids Brendan and Morrigan on Valentine's Day, so he wouldn't be lonely on the road. Click here for more photos of Utah and the official obituary from his family. (An earlier version of this caption included incorrect info about who gave Valentine to Utah. Apologies for the error.)
For more about Utah see www.utahphillips.com
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Revised 6/7/2011